It is the first duty of the Ruling Elder to represent the mind of Christ.
Your presbytery desires to encourage you in your ministry and we look forward to helping you serve in the various courts of the Church – the national General Assembly level, the Presbytery of the Central Carolinas level, and your local Church.
I’ve been asked to be a commissioner! What does that mean?
Just as you have been tasked to watch over the spiritual welfare of your local church, as a commissioner to Presbytery or the annual General Assembly, you are asked to do the same there. Just as you participate in the life of your local church, your commitment also includes participating diligently in the workings of Presbytery and/or General Assembly.*
What is parity?
Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders share authority. The EPC has a general rule that 2 Ruling Elders should be in attendance for every Teaching Elder . The 2:1 parity rule helps protect our denomination.
Ruling Elder Training – presented January 2023
Quick Links for Clerks of Session
The Clerk of Session should utilize this form to submit information to the Presbytery.
Annual review deadlines
A little of what you need to know about being Clerk of Session.